We want to be able to go from the office to the gym, walk the dog or go for a run and activewear or athleisure as it is called is the only clothing that offers us this versatility
Now let me ask you... how much do you spend in a year on activewear for your family?
$300, $500 or even $1000 per year?
What does your current favorite brand give back to you for all of those purchases?!
Do they:
* Offer a 25% discount with no monthly minimums?
* Offer commissions from 20 - 28%
(yes commissions...earn money from wearing activewear?!)
*Offer Trip Incentives
....say what?
.....yes do they offer the chance to earn an
all expense paid trips to places like Thailand, Costa Rica.....
Does this sound interesting?! Want to know more? Just contact me and I am happy to send you some more information.